Fair pricing that adapts to your usage
Everything you need to know
Does it work with Bubble too?!
Yes, but you'll need to put in some extra effort to reproduce the logic that Bubble doesn’t provide.
Can I use my AWS, GCP, or OVH credits?
Yes! And we encourage you to go with the most generous offer. You can even migrate from one cloud to another just to stack up credits. Switching from an expensive SaaS to free services is the life we've chosen to lead.
What do the infrastructures I deploy look like?
They are state-of-the-art, elastic, and scalable Open-Source infrastructures.
Can I modify my infrastructures?
Yes. The IaC are open source and accessible on your provider's console.
Can I achieve compliance ?
At least in terms of infrastructure, you'll have everything you need! Just make sure your project's code follows the requirements!
Can I modify the CI deployed ?
Of course! And you don't even need to be a DevOps expert. Since no one likes Yaml, you can modify the IaC with Typescript thanks to the open-source Orbits framework..
Where is your service ?
The ReNest is available as a SaaS for the scale-up plan and deployed on a cluster on the client's infrastructures for the enterprise plan.
What happens if I leave ?
Everything remains functional, but you'll need to build and maintain a new CI/CD from scratch.
Is ReNest a partner of AWS, GCP, and OVH?
We are partners with AWS and OVH, but not yet with GCP. Feel free to send them a message on our behalf.
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